Community Calendar
The Odd Spot: Interactive Mystery Dinner: Christmas Mash Up - This event has already occurred
Event Details:
The holidays can be stressful for all of us, but they're especially hard on the people who reenact a Christmas story every year for our entertainment. So good old Ebenezer Scrooge has started a "Holiday Derangement Syndrome" therapy group for characters from pop culture to get together and talk about their feelings.
Scrooge decides to act as a therapist himself since he knows all about the mixed feelings Christmas can bring. He leads characters like the Grunch, the Sugar Plum Fairy and Shawn McClane by discussing what Christmas means to them when the lights suddenly go out.
There is a strange gurgling sound in the darkness, and when the lights come back on, Scrooge is dead with a sprig of holly through his heart! Was he killed by someone who was concerned about the secrets he knew? Someone who was scared of the direction the discussion was taking? Or maybe it was YOU!
Ahead of the event, you will be assigned a character.
The ticket includes a buffet-style dinner. It's a costume party, come in full costume or with accessories.
Location: Location
Category: Category